Bible Messages by Pastor Jerry A. Burns (Page 35)

Timeless Truths: The Bible

Pastor Burns dicusses the importance of the Bible and how it went from the heart of God to the hand of Christians. We look at how we can walk in the light, and become a Christian whose work is blessed.

The Need of Patience

If we are going to finish the race that is before us, then we are going to need patience. Pastor Burns breaks down what it means to be a patient Christian and why it’s essential to the Christian life.

Choosing Who To Believe

In the Garden of Eden, Eve decided to believe a lie over God’s declared truth. In our lives, we have a choice to make every day. We can listen to God’s Word and follow a pathway of blessing or we can follow the devil’s lies. Who will we listen to?

Timeless Truths: Who is God?

In this episode of Timeless Truths, Pastor Burns looks at who God is and how you can have a personal relationship with Him. If you want to better understand yourself and how you tick, then you are going to need to know God. He is our Creator, Sustainer, and knows everything about us. We’re going to look at the many truths in the Bible about God, and give us Clear understanding of His plan for us. I. God is a…

Lights Around the City

Pastor Burns continues our Sunday morning sermon series by looking at the traditions that we enjoy each year at Christmas time and how we can see Jesus in every one of them. In this message, Pastor Burns is going to focus his attention on the lights that shine during Christmas time and how Jesus can be seen in them.

The Free Gift of God

Salvation is a wonderful blessing, and knowing that your sins are forgiven and that you are on your way to Heaven is the greatest gift of all. One day when we stand before God, we will stand before Him naked with nothing to hide out shame. What will be our merit or reason God should let us into heaven? Philippians 3:9“And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through…

Four Triumphant Truths: A Proper Recognition

Pastor Jerry Burns begins this radio series with a message entitled, “A Proper Recognition”. Do you believe in God? Do you have faith in God? This week we are looking at what the Bible has to say about where your victory begins, and how we can be triumphant in Jesus Christ.