Posts by Pastor Burns (Page 2)

5 Bible Verses For When You Feel Alone

We all have had moments when we feel or are alone. These moments can be challenging to process and can cause us to make decisions based on what we see and not faith. There are times in our life when we may even feel as if God has forsaken us (Psalm 22:1), and that we must live the Christian life alone. In those moments, it’s necessary to look to God’s Word for confidence and assurance. To help our faith to…

What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?

It’s a statement that’s overused and misunderstood. It would seem that everyone is a Christian these days, but not in the way that’s presented in the Bible. Being a Christian is not just a title that we attach to our life, but a transformation that has happened in our heart. Being a “Christian”, and knowing for sure that you’ll go to Heaven when this life is over is the most important question you’re going to answer in your lifetime. You…

Forgiveness and the Family

I recently preached a sermon on forgiveness and the family. We know that our homes are under attack today and that we need to do everything that we can to protect our home and heart. My message was simple. Don’t give Satan an advantage in your life (2 Corinthians 2:11). How does Satan get that advantage? This advantage takes place when you allow bitterness to fester and root in your life.The best example of protecting the heart is Joesph.I. Joseph…

Wonderful Piano Hymns

Ephesians 5:19-20 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;  Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” I am thankful for a church that still sings the old hymns of the faith. These hymns are not just traditional, but they are stuffed packed with wonderful truths and testimonies from godly men and woman over the years.  My…

Faith in God

In April 1988 the evening news reported on a photographer who was a skydiver. He had jumped from a plane along with numerous other skydivers and filmed the group as they fell and opened their parachutes. On the film shown on the telecast, as the final skydiver opened his chute, the picture went berserk. The announcer reported that the cameraman had fallen to his death, having jumped out of the plane without his parachute. It wasn’t until he reached for…
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