So the Lord

December 8, 2024

Book: Deuteronomy

Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:8-18

In this message, we explored how God, like a mother eagle, stirs the nests of His people to prompt spiritual growth and trust in Him. Drawing from Deuteronomy 32:11-12, we learned that just as an eagle disrupts the comfort of her young to teach them to fly, God often allows divine disturbances in our lives to move us from spiritual complacency into a deeper reliance on Him.

Through vivid imagery from nature, we saw how the process of stirring the nest can feel unsettling—just as the eaglet experiences fear and disorientation when forced out of its secure environment. Yet, this process is essential. It teaches us dependence on God, as seen in the trials of Job and the Apostle Paul. These trials remind us that God is present, guiding us even when we feel like we’re free-falling. Ultimately, He carries us on His wings, demonstrating His faithfulness and sufficiency.

The stirred nest also teaches us to grow spiritually, developing endurance and faith, and to know God more intimately through our trials. Finally, it leads us to “glow,” reflecting His grace and goodness to the world around us. As we face challenges, may we embrace God’s purpose in stirring our nest, trusting Him to help us soar, seek Him deeply, and shine brightly for His glory.