I. The Ministry of Jesus (Vss. 1-4)
A. The Exalted One (Vs. 1)
B. The Meek One (Vs. 2)
C. The Healing One (Vs. 3)
D. The Triumphant One (Vs. 4)
II. The Mission of Jesus (Vss. 5-8)
A. He is the Creator God (Vs. 5)
B. He is the Saving God (Vs. 5)
1. Jesus would Complete His Mission (Vs. 6)
2. Jesus Would be Hope to the Jews and the World (Vss. 6-7)
3. No One Else Could Fulfill These Promises (Vs. 8)
III. The Magnifying of Jesus (Vss. 10-16)
A. Because of What He Has Done (Vs. 10)
B. Because of His Victory (Vs. 13)
C. Because of His Return (Vs. 14)
D. Because of His Work (Vs. 16)
IV. The Message of Jesus (Vss. 17-25)
A. Why Wouldn’t You Trust in the Living God? (Vss. 18-20)
B. This Was a People Who Doesn’t Seek God (Vs. 22)
C. A People Who Didn’t Hear God (Vss. 24-25)