I. The Opening Statement (Vs. 2-4)
A. God is the One in Control of Human Events (Vs. 4)
B. God is the First and the Last
II. The Response of the Heathen Toward God (Vss. 5-7)
III. The Declaration of God to His People (Vs. 8-17)
A. God’s People Shouldn’t Push Him Away (Vs. 8)
B. God’s People Do Not Have to Fear (Vs. 10)
C. With God, No Obstacle is Too Great (Vss. 14-15)
D. With God, Our Needs are Meet (Vss. 17-19)
IV. Idolatry On Trial (Vs. 21-25
A. Show us the Future or Explain the Past (Vs. 22)
B. God’s Conclusion (Vs. 24)
V. The Court’s Verdict (Vs. 26-29)