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Love as I Loved

January 26, 2025

Series: In His Steps

Book: John

This sermon takes us to the heart of John 13, where Jesus, during the Last Supper, gives His disciples a profound commandment: “That ye love one another; as I have loved you.”

Against the backdrop of betrayal and impending crucifixion, Jesus models a love that is selfless, sacrificial, and servant-hearted—a love that redefines how we relate to one another and glorifies God. Through His example, we learn the depth of Christ’s love: it is selfless, reaching out to us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8); sacrificial, giving His life for us (John 3:16); and humble, as exemplified in the washing of His disciples’ feet.

Our love for one another is the hallmark of discipleship (John 13:35). It testifies to the world about Jesus and demonstrates the transformative power of the Gospel. This divine love, which matures and abounds in our hearts, compels us to reflect God’s presence through compassionate actions and bold proclamation of the truth. When we allow God’s love to shine through us, it proves our divine nature (1 John 4:12), brings maturity to our faith (Colossians 3:14), and promotes the Gospel to a lost and dying world (Philippians 1:27). Jesus’ call to love one another as He has loved us challenges us to embrace a love that is unconditional, selfless, and transformative.