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According to Christ Jesus

February 2, 2025

Series: In His Steps

Book: Romans

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Scripture: Romans 15:1-5

We are continuing our series on “In His Steps”, our theme for the year, as we seek to follow the example of Jesus. One of the most profound ways Jesus displayed His example was through His interactions with others. While the Pharisees pursued personal gain and recognition (Matthew 23:5-7), Jesus genuinely cared for people.

He met them with love, compassion, and truth—even when the truth was hard to hear. Consider the rich young ruler who asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus revealed the man’s heart by pointing him to the commandments, not as a way to earn salvation, but to expose his need for a Savior. The man’s unwillingness to part with his riches showed where his true devotion lay. Yet, Mark 10:21 tells us that Jesus loved him. That same love and concern extend to every soul today—Jesus cares about us deeply.

This theme of selfless care and truth extends beyond individual interactions. Governments were originally established for the protection of people, as seen in Romans 13:1-4, yet history has shown how human greed and selfishness can corrupt leadership. Isaiah 3:14-15 condemns rulers who exploit the poor, just as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day cared more for status than for people.

The same temptation exists today, even within religious circles. Many are drawn to messages that cater to their preferences rather than biblical truth (2 Timothy 4:3). However, true love is not about making people comfortable at the cost of truth; it is about speaking the truth in love. The church is called to be the pillar and ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15), lifting up Jesus and encouraging one another in faith. As we walk in His steps, let us embrace the example of Christ—compassionate, humble, bold in truth, and selfless in love.